Our Services

Our Services

RTABS is committed to provide the entire range of services that any health care service provider may require:

Developmental Project Planning with Financial Projection with Income/Expenditure Analysis

  • Healthcare Scenario/ Infrastructure in your Region

  • Healthcare CAPEX & OPEX Cost assumptions

  • Revenue analysis from OPD/IPD/Diagnostics/Surgical etc

  • Overall Hospital Expenses



Gap Analysis for Existing Hospitals & Rectification Methods

We evaluate Techno-Clinical review towards the existing Hospital Building or Architecture drawing of the Hospitals by utilizing of Skills of LEAN/NABH to eliminate the Defects in the Hospitals/Drawing.


Architecture Concept Designing

  • Once the decision is taken to build a hospital, the next step is its architectural design. A detailed architect’s brief has to be first prepared to enable the architect in drawing up his plans. Inputs from the other agencies like air-conditioning, electrical, plumbing, equipment vendors etc. are required to finalize the working plan for the building.

  • Healthcare architecture is a specialized field. It differs in the complexity of the functional relationships and technical needs of the hospital.

  • The architectural and engineering design team, works at the cutting edge of this specialized field of healthcare architecture, and with the support of the other healthcare consulting departments, a unique combination of skill sets to ensure the success of our clients in this area of expertise.
  • With the space programming knowledge rendered by us, we are sure, that it will result in many hospitals, for saving a huge cost to their promoters.



  • Utilizing the schedule of accommodation and Information relating to the clients proposed operational policy; 1:200 scale space planning layouts will be prepared illustrating internal departmental pl

  • Planning including:
  • Room sizes and proportions

  • Internal departmental circulation

  • Engineering plant and service space (in consultation with the architects / engineering consultants)

  • The layouts are intended to form a basis for the preparation of detail design drawings and production drawings, prepared by the local design team, to enable construction work to recommence promptly.
    It is assumed that the Design Team will be responsible for ensuring that the layouts when developed into production drawings, meet with local building control regulations and other relevant legislation.


  • Our comprehensive equipment-planning database enables us to set realistic equipment budgets and avoid budget shortfalls late in the Project.
    We customize and details actual room and department equipment requirements to ensure the accuracy of equipment budgets.

  • We would be proud to be a part of your esteemed institution in all your present & future endeavors.
  • Design-Build Services and Services Planning

  • In logical extension of its activities in forward integration of healthcare management consulting and healthcare facility design services, RTABS offers design-build services.

  • This focuses all the expertise available within the consulting arms to build facility.

  • Total control over the entire process, from the initiation of the project with through determining Financial Feasibility, Architectural and Engineering design and Commissioning the facility after we ourselves build it, ensures that the vision of our client is sustained through the entire project cycle.

  • RTABS thus identified this as a vital growth area and has been rendering such services in past in various capacities, to help our clients .
    This service includes important activities.

  • Liaison with all Agencies - Architects/contractors/equipment vendors/utility service consultants and suppliers.

  • Managing Change in Project Plans - most vital and complicated component due to the various fall outs from the change in project design Managing equipment planning schedule including cost-feature analysis, procurement process, installation etc.


    Medical & Paramedical Assets & Equipment Planning

  • Medical Equipment play a very significant role in the field of medicine and healthcare delivery system. Sophisticated biomedical equipment requires a host of utilities like the air conditioning and refrigeration, stabilized power supply systems etc. The design criteria of these support systems are of paramount importance.

  • Hospital equipment’s fall into an extremely wide spectrum ranging right from a hi- tech MRI and CT scanner to a simple patient trolley. Its a major part of any hospital project cost, which could go up to almost 60%. Of this, biomedical equipment could account for nearly 50% of the cost. Keeping this in view it is essential to ensure maximum utilization of the equipment with minimum downtime.

  • Today, for a technology to be appropriate, it must address the needs for efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and productivity and at the same time, improve or maintain the quality of patient care. Whilst medical devices can be broadly categorized into diagnostic and therapeutic equipment,

  • The selection criteria for procurement would need to take into account several factors viz. type of hospital & level of services provided; services available in the neighborhood and technology employed; background of the staff that would operate the equipment; proposed tariff for the services employing medical devices; etc.



  • Once a consensus is reached on the ‘functional programme’, a schedule of departmental accommodation listing all rooms and functional areas in each department, together with optimum floor areas based on activity requirements and occupancy levels, shall be generated.

  • The schedule of accommodation will also provide total net departmental areas, an estimated circulation area requirement commensurate with departmental activity and total gross target construction area.

  • This would help arrive at the total built up area of habitable floors.

  • Basements, interstitialfloors may be added to arrive at the actual built‐up area and would provide a basis for generatingthe cost estimate.
