Modular Scope of Service…….

Techno Economic Viability Study

This study consists of analytical approach to determine whether the Healthcare initiative is feasible to progress. This Study is based on 4 Main Pillar….

    1)Economical Feasibility
    2)Technical Feasibility
    3)Operational Feasibility
    4)Schedule Feasibility

Revenue analysis from OPD/IPD/Diagnostics/Surgical etc

Clinical & Technical Conceptualization

conceptualization helps to translate portions of an abstract theory into testable hypotheses involving specific variables
Our Study does help Healthcare Promoters to Conclude: -

    1)Which Clinical Service to Start & Enhance
    2)Area to Kickstart.
    3)Project Outline
    4)Departmental Clusters
    5)Maximum CAPEX & OPEX…and many more.

Concept Designing

In Concept design we initiate Internal Departmental Line Layout before concluding working drawing by Architect. This Design would be NABH complaint with Optimum Space management. Design needs to be simplified for Patient /Relatives & Caregivers Movement.
Advantage of Simplified Concept Planning: -

    1)Limiting burden on Services Cost
    2) Avoiding Manpower Duplication etc…
    3)Decontaminated Hospital Design.

Re Designing for Existing Structure.

We perform concept redesigning of School/Mall etc in to Healthcare Facility. On Practical Note, Brown field projects are always been Difficult task to perform as RCC structure is constant, variable components are always limited. We do perform the same footnotes as Concept Design.

Defining Engineering Services

Under this task we share our Technical Knowhows to the Technical Consultant/Contractors to design the comprehensive system. MEP consultants are the Key players who would be concluding on Working Drawing of Service …Our Healthcare /Hospital Setup needs more then 12 various type Engineering services to functions and necessary Bill of Quantity
What all services we cover!!! From
HV Electrical

    1) Transformers/Genset etc/Anything & Everything for 240VAC LV Electrical ie ..
    2)Local Area Networks
    3)EPABX systems
    4)Public Address
    5)Close Circuit Television Cameras.s
    6)Nurse Call
    8)Fire Alarm System ……
    9)Heat Ventilation Air Conditioning system up

to BOQ of Chair & Biomedical Waste bins….

Medical Asset Program

More then 40% of project cost is invested in Medical & Paramedical Assets Hence we Benefit upcoming Healthcare setup by selecting appropriate equipment at right place at worth price considering the technical feasibility, work load & consumable as well as routine Operating cost.
This Encapsulates…

    1)Department wise BOQ Formulation
    2)Preparing detailed technical specifications of Medical Assets considering the vital and essential criteria.
    3)Vendor development & Management suggesting brand / Makes / models for suggested items.
    4)Analysing Vendor offers and techno-commercial comparison.
    5)Narrowing Down Vendors considering with various criteria.
    6)Rationalising Budget Limits with respect to prevailing market conditions & workable practices.
    7)Assisting client in vendor negotiations and finalizing purchase orders
    8)Deriving Room datasheet…….
    9)Heat Ventilation Air Conditioning system up

Certification & Accreditation Process Support for NABH standardization

NABH Standards are meant for the Hospitals which have a desire to implement quality system to improve quality and patient safety. These standards can be used by hospitals to enter the realm of systematic quality management across a healthcare organization.

    Step 1:Gap Analysis
    Step 2: SOP formulation with Documentation process
    Step 3: Employees Training with Audits
    Step 4: Mock Drills on Quality Monitoring
    Step 5: Process Implementation & Guidance Support.

Developmental Project Planning with Financial Projection with Income/Expenditure Analysis

  • Healthcare Scenario/ Infrastructure in your Region

  • Healthcare CAPEX & OPEX Cost assumptions

  • Revenue analysis from OPD/IPD/Diagnostics/Surgical etc

  • Overall Hospital Expenses


Developmental Project Planning with Financial Projection with Income/Expenditure Analysis

We evaluate Techno-Clinical review towards the existing Hospital Building or Architecture drawing of the Hospitals by utilizing of Skills of LEAN/NABH to eliminate the Defects in the Hospitals/Drawing.

Concept Designing

  • We suggest/Design the appropriate internal lay-out for Hospital and other Infrastructure in coordination with architect. Provide necessary input/Concept drawing to architect, Civil Contractor, RCC consultant.

  • RAS Technologies & Biomedical Solutions would design Floor plan according to NABH Standards. Hospital Management would appoint / consult our NABH consultant and evaluate & get NABH certification.
  • RAS Technologies & Biomedical Solutions would continuously provide inputs & coordinates with architect for specialized requirements, layout planning, equipment planning & services planning.
  • On finalization of the drawings, all Civil Work shall be coordinate & execute by architect / Client side in consideration with All Engineering Services & Medical Equipments.
  • Extended scope of Architectural Planning, Working Drawing, and Monitoring Execution can be carried.

Engineering Services Inputs for Planning

RAS Technologies would Provide Hospital related Technical Knowhow to other consultants like Electrical, plumbing, fire, HVAC , and PMC Team if involved.(PMC:- PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT TEAM ) etc.OR can design the same SLD/GFC/Tender Document.

Software provider

RAS Technologies would Provide Hospital related Technical Knowhow to other consultants like Electrical, plumbing, fire, HVAC , and PMC Team if involved.(PMC:- PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT TEAM ) etc.OR can design the same SLD/GFC/Tender Document.

Important inputs To electrical consultant/ Client/ PMC:-Electrical

  • Total Electrical Load Of Medical/Paramedical Assets.

  • Required Redundancy facility in various depts..

  • Optimum requirement of Power Outlets (5/15amps)is all Clinical Depts.
  • Location of Power Outlets (5/15amps)is all Clinical Depts.
  • Earthing requirement of all bio medical equipment & hospital automation systems.
  • Important inputs on UPS network wherever required.
  • Plumbing: Important inputs & all necessary support to plumbing consultant/ PMC-

  • Specification RO plant (Dialysis ).

  • RO points locations.

  • CSSD water req.

  • Scrub(water quality & termination )

  • LAB, specific hot water and water softener etc.

  • Termination of outlets to STP/ETP
  • Heat Ventilation Air Conditioning: Important inputs to HVAC consultant

    Defining necessary isolation protocol between sensitive areas Maintaining Infection control protocol via HVAC systems.
    Required air changes of various room / dept.
    Specialized requirements of Operating rooms, pathology, ICU etc Other allied But important Services which are addressed by Deriving BOQ, Location, and Electrical/Structural load/Technical specification:-
    · Medical Gas Management System · Pendent’s & Bed head panels · EPABX System Input ·
    Real More CCTV Input · CTV Input. · PA system Input, · Hospital Furniture Input, if required only. · Door planning Input, for specialized area only · Nurse call system · Digital token display · Pneumatic tubing System · Auto attendance sys · Lift: - Input. · LAN & IT hardware & Software
    The term used “important input” is only Pertain to medical and clinical requirement. Generalized apart from Medical/Clinical inputs requirement for any service ie: Electrical, HVAc, Plumbing is not in Scope of RAS Technologies & Biomedical Solutions

    Medical Asset Consultation & Planning

    Consultation to selecting appropriate equipment at right place at worth price considering the technical feasibility, work load & consumable as well as routine Operating cost. This includes… Ø Preparing detailed technical specifications of Medical Assets considering the vital and essential criteria.
    Ø Vendor development & suggesting brand / Makes / models for these items.
    Read More Ø Reviewing Vendor offers and techno-commercial comparison.
    Ø Short-listing Vendors considering various criteria.
    Ø Giving reasonable price level with respect to prevailing market conditions& workable practices.
    Ø Guide & or assisting client in vendor negotiations and finalizing purchase orders.
    Ø Overseeing installation and commissioning of the assets.
    Ø Overseeing and monitoring training of staff on equipment operations.
    Ø Suggesting AMCs/CMCs for above all equipment.
    Ø Room book & Space management.
    Ø Would provide guidelines and BOQ for Medical Equipment with checklist.

    NABH certification & Accreditation support.

    Module 1:-Gap Analysis
    Module 2:- Trainings of Employees
    Module 3: Clinical Audits
    Module 4: Documentation
    Module 5: Quality Monitoring
    Module 6: Implementation & Guidance Support.